New to Minimalism? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Start Throwing Stuff Out Yet

New to Minimalism? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Start Throwing Stuff Out Yet

A lot of people who think a minimalist lifestyle might be right for them start with the huge job of throwing out the majority of their crap. And I totally understand, I want to throw out your crap too.

But before we go hog wild, take a second to remember your reasons for wanting to journey down the path of minimalism.

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How Much Does it Really Cost to Hang Onto that Extra Crap?

How Much Does it Really Cost to Hang Onto that Extra Crap?

My focus lends itself to the emotional spaciousness that comes with letting things go. I like open space, the ability to move around, and knowing that if I do want to buy or replace something, that old thing will still have a use, whether it be by me or someone else who can use it better. The mindset of having what you need and letting the rest go can also sometimes create an anti-consumerist mentality, which really can be good or bad. In the long run, once you commit to the minimalist/simplistic lifestyle, I find that several factors come into play that lead to a little more feng shui, a little less spending, and a little more mental room to breathe. All generally good things.

But there’s another perspective that is sometimes overlooked, and on occasion represented in a way that is grossly out of proportion, and that is the idea that a minimalist lifestyle requires you to be absolutely loaded. Continue reading “How Much Does it Really Cost to Hang Onto that Extra Crap?”

The Case for Doing Nothing

The Case for Doing Nothing


I have gotten absolutely, 100% completely annoyed with myself for the amount of time I have invested in my TV, in my twitter, and sometimes even on my instagram (though my instagram-based business I view as A-OK to spend time on).

Like many americans, I come home from work, and most nights I plop myself in front of the TV, open a bag of chips and go to town. Other nights it’s a tub of ice cream. Some nights I go crazy and just bring out the box of wine for sustenance. I think the current trend goes something like, “the antioxidants in wine are healthy for you.”

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